Currently in-progress:   finishing sub-locations, adding NPC buttons, list of effects, and more.

How to navigate:   click a location image for a pop-up on information for that location.

Prior to releasing Yume Nikki, it's creator KIKIYAMA uploaded a number of tracks on the now inactive website,

The only songs unavailable, that were never archived, are known as "Cicada Drums" released on August 25, 2003, and "Youth's Shadow" released on October 4, 2007.

If anyone has come across either of these songs, I would love to know. Please contact me at with any extra information regarding these lost tracks.

BK5 - August 25, 2003
DisChild - September 4, 2003
KALIMBA - January 13, 2004
NEON - December 2, 2003
Old Series 1 - November 18, 2003
WAVE - May 11, 2005

  • BK5  -  This is a song I made from when I first started making music, but I like it and it's one of several remixes. Please listen to it.

  • DisChild  -  It's a song with the momentum of disco music. I recorded it while applying the RS7000's master effect.

  • KALIMBA  -  It's a minimalist techno song. The sound of kalimba is the main tune.

  • NEON  -  I found a pattern I made before that I liked, so I remade it into song length. This time I stopped doing ad-lib and put my heart into making it.

  • Old Series 1  -  It's a gentle pop song I made with the RM1x back in the day. (The intro is rushing because I recorded the second half after about 10 minutes of modulation.)

  • WAVE  -  It's a song with a pop feel. I made it by connecting the QY70 and RS7000.












かえる (Frog)

Become a frog.

Effect: Walk at a normal speed in water.

Use: Hop in place.

Located: Forest World or Dense Woods B.

かさ (Umbrella)

Use an umbrella.

Effect: Starts rain.

Use: Spin the umbrella.

Located: Puddle World.

ぼうしとマフラー (Hat and Scarf)

Wear a hat and scarf.

Effect: In snowman form, walk twice as slowly.

Use: If it's snowing, turn into a snowman.

Located: Block World.

ゆきおんな (Yuki-onna)

Become a snow woman.

Effect: Starts snow.

Use: None.

Located: Snow World.

ほうちょう (Kitchen Knife)

Equip a kitchen knife.

Effect: NPCs will run away. NPCs that cannot move will passively animate faster.

Use: Stab with the knife. Located: Dark World.

めだまうで (Medamaude)

Change into a Eye Palm.

Effect: None.

Use: Teleport to The Nexus.

Located: Eyeball World.

ふとる (Fat)

Become fatter.

Effect: None.

Use: Stomach growls.

Located: The Docks.

こびと (Midget)

Become small.

Effect: Fit into small spaces.

Use: Produced another small Madotsuki, which walks with the player.

Located: Candle World.

ふえ (Flute)

Play a flute.

Effect: None.

Use: Play a small melody.

Located: The Mall.

ネオン (Neon)

Become a neon light.

Effect: None.

Use: Changes the screen color to a neon effect. Cycles between a red, blue, yellow and purple effect.

Located: Neon World.

のっぺらぼう (Nopperabou)

Become a faceless ghost.

Effect: None.

Use: Madotsuki's head spins around.

Located: The Sewers.

なまくび (Severed Head)

Become a severed head.

Effect: Speed decreases. Madotsuki cannot pinch herself awake.

Use: None.

Located: Guillotine World.

タオル (Towel)

Wrap up in a towel.

Effect: None.

Use: Madotsuki sneezes.

Located: The Wilderness.

ねこ (Cat)

Grow ears and a tail.

Effect: None.

Use: Draw NPCs towards Madotsuki.
  • Summon UFOs at the top of Mars.
Located: Shield-Folk World.

でんとう (Lamp)

Become a lamp.

Effect: Brighten dark areas.

Use: Switch the lamp on and off.

Located: Lamp World.

じてんしゃ (Bicycle)

Ride a bicycle.

Effect: Speed is doubled.

Use: Ring the bicycle bell.

Located: Graffiti World.

ロングヘアー (Long Hair)

Grow long hair.

Effect: None.

Use: None.

Located: Mural World.

ウンコヘアー (Poop Hair)

Grow poop hair.

Effect: None.

Use: A fly buzzes in place.

Located: Underground World.

ブロンド (Blonde Hair)

Grow blonde hair.

Effect: None.

Use: None.

Located: Mural World.

ずきん (Triangle Kerchief)

Wear triangle kerchief.

Effect: Madotsuki is invisible to NPCs.

Use: Madotsuki becomes translucent.

Located: Ghost World.

まじょ (Witch)

Become a witch.

Effect: None.

Use: Hover on a broomstick.

Located: Witch's Island.

おに (Demon)

Become a demon.

Effect: None.

Use: When raining, create thunder and lightning. When snowing, only thunder will be created.

Located: FC House.

ぶよぶよ (Buyo Buyo)

Become soft and squishy.

Effect: None.

Use: Madotsuki wobbles like jelly.

Located: FC World B.

しんごう (Stoplight)

Become a spotlight.

Effect: Madotsuki cannot pinch herself awake.

Use: Switches stoplight between green to red. Located: Dense Woods B.
