I wanna love you, but now everything's a crime.

All artwork on this site* is illustrated to be me, drawn by my boyfriend. Please do not use it, thank you.

5.13.2022: Bounced between some themes, forgot to tack on specific updates. So, new theme again.
4.27.2022: Colors update, I missed pink.
4.25.2022: Added new taglist and sites pages, updated color scheme.
4.21.2022 Theme overhaul, coding relatively the same.
4.19.2022: Theme and ( slight ) coding overhaul.
4.12.2022: Colors update, now white and blue.
4.11.2022: Added diary page.
4.10.2022: Theme and coding overhaul, added 'cool sites' and 'adopts' pages.
4.8.2022: Finished music page.
4.7.2022: Theme and coding overhaul. (Again...)
4.5.2022: Added taglist page.
4.4.2022: Added mobile view for all pages.
4.3.2022: Theme and coding overhaul.
4.2.2022: Improved mobile view, added more songs to soundtrack section.
3.31.2022: Added gallery and music containers, updated theme.
3.30.2022: Neocities first coded.


My name is Sasha, he / him, ⚣ and 19. I like eating fruit, coding for funsies & meditating. I'm mixed*  ( 俺の日本語はさびついている。)

I update & fiddle with this site's layout & format quite a lot. I can never really settle on one theme. I do keep my previous themes, & I'll organize a hub to browse my previous layouts eventually.

I'm also very open about my transitional experience. I encourage any questions be sent my way, even if they might seem weird.

A quick run-down of my transition progress:  I started HRT in 2019. I have experience with subq injections, patches & gel. I'm currently rotating a patches prescription & a gel prescription.

I underwent a bilateral double incision mastectomy in 2020. I did not do drains, and I have nipple grafts. I had a very large chest size previously.

I'm also on the last steps to finishing my legal name change, as of May 2022.

I'm a crossdresser* and sometimes I post about it.

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Before you follow

My blog is just aesthetic. I don't really get into new media. I also block pretty liberally; I don't mind asks about why I've blocked someone / asking for an unblock.

My tumblr filters do not work & only show me if the reblog has been tagged as anything, not the original post. Please send an ask / dm if I reblog something with a shitty source tag. ( i.e; ''cottagecore'' & the like. )

My typing style can seem blunt & I'm aware of it. I'm always more than open to conversation about anything, I don't intend to come across as brass / rude. Sorryyyyyyyy.

Whoa, I'm hidden

Do not interact

I do not entertain interaction from: terf* crypto ''pro-ship'' thinspo & kink* blogs.

I try my best to keep my online space as safe as possible. If you notice me interacting with any blogs that fall into the above categories please let me know.

I am on my actual feed very sparingly, I miss drama / info on users, and am pretty out of the loop.